Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vivacity 20, from Vancouver Island, Brittish Columbia

Sister ship 'Blue Moon' sited in Victoria, Brittish Columbia, Canada..., these two photos were shared on a local junk rig email list. The boat is a 'Vivacity 20', sister model to the 'Alactrity 19'.  The owner has created a thing of beauty, yet very practical for it's use in crab pot fishing, the little ship hoves too and stays put while collecting or dropping the pots.  The mast on Goblin will rake a bit forward and will be a bit off center to make things more convenient below decks, but Blue Moon is a real thing to aspire to.  It would be great if anyone has an email address for the owner.

The larger original photos are shown below:

1 comment:

Dag Goering said...

Hi there: I'm the guy with the junk-rigged Vivacity. I keep her on Lasqueti Island. Since I rerigged her as a junk I spend a lot more time sailing: so much more fun than a Marconi rig. We get quite a bit of current and the breezes bang about a bit due to the topography but most days I make a point of sailing off the mooring buoy to check my prawn traps and back again.